
Sunday Mornings
Adult Learning Communities
A variety of small group learning communities are available for adults on Sunday mornings. Many of these offer additional fellowship and service opportunities outside of Sunday morning. Guests are always welcome. Groups gather beginning at 9:45 a.m. and conclude at 10:45 a.m.
Fellowship Time: We serve coffee and donuts each Sunday morning beginning at 9:30 am. Adults may enjoy these in “The First Cup Cafe'” (in the Community Gathering Area) located on third floor at the top of the stairs.
Each small group class is listed below.

College Class
Demographic: College Students
Format: Meet together weekly sharing fellowship, Bible study, and discussion. Also opportunities for involvement in the life of the church outside of Sunday mornings. Contact Emily Glass for more information.
Families in Action
Families in Action Meets: Room 321
Age Range: 30s-mid 40s
Demographic: Young adults beginning families and careers
Format: Combining Bible study and book topics and regular action in mission. The group comes together for fellowship, relationships, and support. Teachers rotate weekly.
Young Adult Community
Young Adult Community Meets Rm. 323
Age Range: 20s
Demographic: Young adults single and married
Format: Discussion on Scripture with guided study books. Contact Emily Harbin for more information.
Ten-Ten-Ten Meets: Room 322
Age Range: Mid 40s-70s
Demographic: Intergenerational
Format: Bible study designed for group discussion and input using Connections materials. Teachers rotate weekly.
Meets: Room 324
Age Range: 50s-70s
Demographic: Adults married and single
Format: Bible study with connection and application to daily life using Formations material. Teachers rotate weekly.
Meets: Room 325 or Fellowship Hall
Age Range: 50s-80s
Demographic: Adults married and single
Format: Creative Bible study using Formations material. Teachers rotate weekly.
Meets: on Zoom
Age Range: 20s-70s
Demographic: Intergenerational
Format: Various materials are used to fuel discussion on spiritual topics from diverse theological viewpoints.
Meets: Room 328
Age Range: 50s-70s
Demographic: Adult Women
Format: Bible study and fellowship of women using Formations materials with a mission-oriented focus.
Meets: Room 155
Age Range: 60s and above
Demographic: Adults married and single
Format: Discussion on the weekly Sunday Lectionary Scriptures. Teachers rotate weekly.
Wednesday Evenings
Discipleship Opportunities
Adults meet from 6:30 – 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday evenings from September through April. Bible study, book studies and special interest topics are offered.
Noon Bible Study
Bible Study is offered on Tuesdays at 12:00 noon from August through April. This group meets in the 3rd Floor Gathering Area.
Read the Bible Entirely in One Year
This plan provides for a systematic way to read through the entire Bible by reading a few chapters each day. The plan is undated so that you can begin on any day, of any month you choose. You may download and print this copy for your reference. Hard copies are also available at church.
About the Plan
The Bible can be read in a year using different plans and approaches. This particular plan divides the scriptures into 7 basic and traditional sections:
Epistles Law History Psalms Poetry Prophecy Gospels
During the week you will read a selected passage from each of the 7 sections. This provides for a combination of the variety of the types of material in the Bible, and continuity of each of the books of the Bible as you read week after week.
How to Use This Plan
The chart is organized with one row for each week. The rows are number 1 – 52, representing the 52 weeks in a year. (See the column on the far left with the “Wk” heading). Each row contains a column for each day of the week. Each day contains a specified passage of the Bible to read. Beginning with week 1, read across the chart, Day 1-Day 7, then move down to the next row, Week 2, and read in the same manner. Each section has a small box to the left which can be used to place a check, helping you to keep track of your place in reading through the Bible.
Information about selecting a translation and version of the Bible is on the back.
Bible Versions: Translations and Paraphrases
Bibles are available in a variety of versions. Some versions are translations while others are paraphrases. Translations are ones translated into English from the ancient languages. Paraphrases use existing English translations of the Bible to produce a more modern and updated version.
The choice of version is up to you. This brief description and list is provided to give you more information in making your selection.
Verbal Translations
King James Version (KJV)
New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
New Jerusalem Bible (NJB)
New International Version (NIV)
New American Standard (NAS)
Dynamic Translations
New Living Translation (NLT)
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Revised English Bible (REB)
The Message
The Living Bible (LB)