The schedule for our Deacon election process is as follows with all resident church members nominating up to 8 eligible members who meet the following criteria:

  • 21 years of age; have been members of First Baptist for 2 years by the time of balloting.
  • Are faithful in their stewardship in sharing of their time, talents and resources.
  • Are an active member who supports the church’s ministries and staff.
  • Reflect the teachings of Christ and hold each other in love and grace.

Dates to remember:

February 9: Last day for members to notify the church office in writing requesting that your name only appear on the Ineligible List, or for former Deacons, to appear on the Deacon Emeritus list.
February 16: Deacon Election process will begin.
March 2: Completed ballots must be submitted to the church office.
March 3:  Deacon Counting Committee will tally the results.

Opt-Out Status
If anyone does not want their name to be placed on the Eligible for Nomination list, please submit a WRITTEN REQUEST to the church office by February 9. Send your request by email to Cheri Rose,  by mail addressed to P.O. Box  8107, Athens, GA 30603, or drop off the written request to the church office.

Emeritus Status
Former deacons who wish to seek Emeritus Status, may submit a written request to the secretary of the deacons as stated in Church Policy for Deacon Emeritus Status. If you plan to request emeritus status in the near future and thus do not want your name to be placed on the upcoming election ballot, please submit this request to the church office in writing by February 9.

Electronic Voting
Online voting will be available to members.  If a household shares an email address, one person can vote via electronic ballot but the other member will need to utilize a paper ballot (available in the church office). Contact Cheri Rose if you have questions regarding electronic voting or to obtain a paper ballot.