Next Steps Team Initial Report

Implementation Planning to Begin Immediately

 After eight months of work, the Next Steps Leadership Team offered an initial report to the Deacons on Monday, June 4 and the congregation at a covered dish luncheon on Sunday, June 10. The report handed out to the congregation Sunday is now available.

Please note that this report is preliminary. It includes goals for next steps in our congregation’s mission and ministry. These potential next step do not involve eliminating any of our current ministries or mission endeavors.

The Next Steps Team, based on listening to the congregation, has identified a set of new goals in each of the three main areas of our vision (community, worship and mission), and they have also identified some action steps toward each of those goals. Now, the Deacons have authorized the creation of a Next Steps Implementation Team, which will work this summer to develop these proposals with much more detail, and also to make sure that budget resources exist and clear responsibility assigned so that these ideas can become reality. In the early fall, the implementation plans will be presented and at that time the congregation will have opportunity to vote on authorizing the implementation.

If you have questions regarding this report, please contact Jeff Randa or Daniel Haygood (co-chairs of the Next Steps Leadership Team) or any member of the Next Steps Leadership Team. The Team Members were:

Jeff Randa and Daniel Haygood, Co-Chairs
Oliva Baxley
Gary Blasingame
Mary Colley
Jill Dawson
Craig Ellis
Zach Graves
Pamela Griffin
GiGi Lastinger
John Marshall
Margaret McDonald
Helen Mills
Zeke Williamson
Fred Young

Click here for the report.